
Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Mitza. I have a lot of artistic hobbies and would like to share them with you. I started drawing in my early childhood. Many years later I studied art (illustration) for 4 years.

As a young girl I became fond of jewellery. Since many, many years I visit flea-markets and collect old jewellery. Some years ago I had the opportunity to study the art of goldsmithery by a latvian master. Since then I design and do jewellery with silver, fine-gold and various precious stones.

In my past-time I love to photograph. With my little camera I walk around in our garden in order to look at all the beautiful flowers from up close and to photograph them. Some of my photos also show the Greek island Kephalonia.

Many years ago I visited an exhibition about old Egyptian burial objects. The thought that somebody had created something so beautiful such a long time ago and that I could look at it so many thousand years later, fascinated me. In my imagination I saw a person sitting in the desert creating a piece of art, and I thought an artist can leave a footprint behind.

Regarding visual arts and photography I like to illustrate the decay and lonelyness, because it really touches me. Beauty is decaying but in decay there can be beauty, too. Regarding my jewellery I also take care about a good composition.

Copyright : unauthorized use and/or duplication of these paintings, jewellery and photos without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited.

For any questions please write to staudenfreund(at)gmail.com

Hallo, willkommen in meinem blog. Ich heiße Mitza. Ich habe viele künstlerische Hobbies und möchte Euch gerne daran teilhaben lassen.

Vor vielen Jahren besuchte ich im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg eine Ausstellung über ägyptische Grabbeilagen. Der Gedanke, dass dort ein Mensch vor sehr, sehr langer Zeit etwas so Wunderschönes mit einfachsten Mitteln erschaffen hat und ich es so viele tausend Jahre später mit großer Bewunderung und Begeisterung anschauen konnte, hat mich fasziniert. In Gedanken habe ich diesen Menschen im Wüstensand dort sitzen und arbeiten sehen und dachte mir: ein Künstler kann eine Spur seines Schaffens hinterlassen, viele andere Menschen sind irgendwann vergessen.

Zu mir persönlich ist zu sagen, dass ich schon als kleines Kind gerne zeichnete. Erst später habe ich 4 Jahre Kunst (Illustration) studiert.

Als junges Mädchen begann ich, Schmuck zu lieben und zu sammeln. Seit ich 20 bin, besuche ich sehr häufig Flohmärkte und habe zuerst alten Schmuck gesammelt. Vor ein paar Jahren hatte ich die Möglichkeit, bei einem lettischen Goldschmied mehrere Kurse zu belegen. Seitdem entwerfe und fertige ich Schmuck aus Sterlingsilber, Feingold und verschiedenen Halbedelsteinen.

In meiner Freizeit fotografiere ich außerdem gerne. Mit meiner kleinen Kamera bin ich oft in unserem Garten unterwegs, um all die schönen Blumen ganz nah anzuschauen und zu fotografieren.

In der bildenden Kunst und in der Fotografie stelle ich gerne den Verfall und die Einsamkeit dar. Es berührt mich schon deshalb, weil ich selbst nicht mehr jung bin. Schönheit ist vergänglich, aber auch in der Vergänglichkeit kann Schönheit liegen. Bei meinem Schmuck kommt es mir genau wie bei meinen Bildern auf eine gute Komposition an.


Alle Gemälde, Schmuckstücke, Fotos und grafischen Gestaltungen auf diesem blog sind durch mich urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen nicht ohne meine Einwiligung übernommen und verwendet werden.

Falls Ihr Fragen habt, dann schreibt an staudenfreund(at)gmail.com

203 thoughts on “About

    • It was really a pleasure visiting your blog which brought back sweet memories of many stays in London. I hope you enjoy to discover my universe, I liked yours, too. Have a nice evening, regards Mitza

  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and the ‘like’ for atrivialmindatwork.com.

    I have enjoyed looking through your pictures. I have been doing a lot of macro pictures lately, but I am about to go back to landscape shots for a while. Hope you can come back and check the blog out again!

    Thanks again.

    • I’m glad you enjoyed looking through my pictures. Maybe it’s good to change topics from time to time. I will take a look at your new photos. Have a nice evening, regards Mitza

  2. Hello Mitza, thank you for sharing. Ive enjoyed looking at your wonderful gallery. When I was doing my silversmithing and Jewellery degree, the tutor always said that I looked too close and not looked at the bigger picture. However, I prefer to look closer and it looks like you also do the same 😉 Happy making.

    • Thank you for your comment. I see, we have even more in common – silversmithing. That’s nice. Are you still doing jewellery sometimes and put it in your blog? I think I will follow you now in order to look at your beautiful things. Regards Mitza

    • Well, maybe you do find it in decay, too, then we are already two. Beauty is not always new or young. Beauty has wrinkles or scratches. Thanks for your comment and have a nice day, regards Mitza

  3. Hi there,
    Thanks for “liking” my post, “Edible Gardens”, on
    I very much enjoyed looking through your blog.

  4. Mitza,

    I hope you don’t mind…but I nominated you for a blog award…

    As part of this acceptance post, I am to nominate 10 other blogs that inspire. These blogs inspire me and I am most happy that you are There and Communicate! 🙂

    Art Towards a Happy Day

    Hiking Northwest

    the recovery of words

    Ramblings from Jewels

    Green Light Lady

    da Ponte Photography


    Rethinking Life

    Joy, Fitness & Style

    Dancing in the Rain

    ~~If nominated, in order to “accept” the award, you must follow these guidelines:
    * Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
    * Add the One Lovely Blog logo image to your acceptance post.
    * Share 7 facts/or things about yourself.
    * Nominate 10 bloggers you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

    Here is the link:



    • Hi Andy, I feel very honored about your proposal. Somebody else has already tried to propose me but I refused because it’s too much work for me right now to find 10 others and to write about myself. I hope very much, that you are not angry with me. But I like your photos and your about. Sorry, Mitza

      • No problema, I have had many of these and normally ignore them, but the young person who nominated me seemed so sincere that I decided to do it anyway… so of course I am not angry, I sort of felt guilty nominating you and the 9 others…I love your blog and wish you the best!

    • I think it’s nice to transfer feelings, views, beauties etc. from your country to all the world. By the way, I have been in Canada (Vancouver) once and some other countries. It’s always a pleasure to share the many little, big, moving, beautiful, sad, interesting, curious things I see in my world. It makes me happy when others like them. Have a wonderful week-end, regards Mitza

    • That’s really nice to hear, thanks a lot. I love to photograph and see a lot of little things others don’t see and here I can show them to the world. Have a wonderful day, regards Mitza

  5. Hello Mitza, I’m so glad you visited me so I can now find you here and enjoy your photographs and beautiful jewellery. I think we love the same things. Regards, Mary

    • That’s really something wonderful in wordpress that you can find people with same interests, Mary. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a wonderful week-end, regards Mitza

  6. Hello Mitza,
    Yes, we do have a few things in common. For one, we have a common ancestral homeland. For another, we are both into photography and thirdly, we both love the many different aspects of beauty that we find in nature. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog! While I am taking some time off from writing during the summer, I will be dropping in to read what’s new on your side of the Atlantic. Have a wonderful weekend! Peter

    • Hi Gail, thank you very much for your appreciation of my blog and for proposing me to this wonderful award. Up to now I got several nominations but I have always refused them. I hope you don’t mind. Have a wonderful day, regards Mitza

    • Hi Jenny, thanks a lot for following me now and your kind words about my blog. I’m really a bit proud of myself. It’s a lot of work but fun, too and I learn working on photos and English. Have a lovely day, too, regards Mitza

    • you just take a look in “madebymitza.wordpress.com”, Luke. Even though I am not really able to paint in an abstract way I know what a good composition is and like colors that fit together 🙂

  7. gosh, I thought I’d commented here! Mitza you have a wonderful website blog, and I love your jewelry designs, macro flowers and the gorgeous doors! What an excellent eye for color and texture & what lies beneath. cheers, Debi

  8. Sounds awesome. I am pure language amateur who loves languages. I started my blogging in English, Spanish and French. Since about two years, I added Portuguese. My home language is Finnish. In school, I learned also German, but during the years, I have forgotten much of it although we make every now and then road trips to there. In addition, I understand Swedish.

    Happy weekend!

    • Great, you know a lot of languages, too. I understand a little Swedish, too, have been there many times, and due to my Latin in school I understand Italian and Spanish, without having learned it. And your English is perfect, too. Happy weekend, too.

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